quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2021

Degree in Portuguese Teaching



1. R: They pressure me There`s so much pressure you have gotta be sexy you´ve gotta be cute you`ve gotta be nice, you`ve gotta be all these things. We must just be ourselves.

2. R: Difficulties faced are she worked 4 jobs and dedicated her life to make Selena`s life better.

 3.R: When Selene’s say ``let’s change the game`` she means the we should inspire each other to be better…just be kind to each other and love and inspire people and that we must learn from our mistakes.

4. R: She wools be a good friend yes, because she is able to motivate people so it is clear that she can motivate and inspire me to do good in order to succeed in life.

5. R: We definitely to try to inspire other, even though some of my friends are not that open to chare.

6.R: I do trust myself, because I believe that I can do anything that I set my mind to, I cannot that I am not capable of, and I have so far overcame things that I thought I will never be able to.

7. R: The one thing that in learned from these speeches is that, no matter how big my mistakes can be I just to learn from there so that I can overcame them.

8. R: Selena will be successful in future yes, because she already knows the basic things to do in order to get there she want, chef inspires and motivate people to do thing and someday they will to do things and the some to, she is surely a role model.

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